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Breastfeeding 101

When it comes to new moms there is a lot of anxiety about breastfeeding. Let us break down the basics.

When does lactation start?

Regardless of your type of birth, milk production starts as soon as the placenta separates from the uterus. The more you feed your baby, the more milk is produced by prolactin. So breastfeeding is a physiological event as it is an emotional event.

Benefits of Mothers Milk

Breastfeeding has many benefits both for the mother and the baby. Some of them are:

  • A bond of trust forms between the mother and the baby

  • It helps with the physical and emotional development of the baby

  • The antibodies in the mother's milk protect the baby from infections

  • It protects the mother from diseases like breast cancer and osteoporosis

  • It helps the uterus to go back to its pre-pregnancy state

Satges of Milk Production

1. Colostrum

Colostrum is the dense yellowish milk produced 1-2 days after delivery. It is rich in protein, aids the bowel movements, and is the first vaccine of the baby. This first milk is only produced 2-3 tablespoons but is enough for your baby as your baby's stomach is the size of a cherry during this period.

2. Transitional Milk

The transitional milk is produced after 5-14 days of delivery. It is a bridge between colostrum and mature milk and is higher in calories thus your baby will stay satiated for longer periods. As your breasts start filling with more milk you might feel tenderness, pain, and fever which will subside in a few days. (Take a look at 'My Boobs Hurt: What do I do?' for tips to soothe the symptoms)

3. Mature Milk

Mature milk is very high in calories and white in color. It is the final form of breast milk. There are two types of mature milk: foremilk and hindmilk. With the transition to mature milk, your baby's feeding becomes rhythmical and the milk tastes sweet which makes your baby smile while feeding.

Tips for Breastfeeding

The best timeframe for feeding is every 2-3 hours for 10-15 minutes. Both breasts should be nursed. As breastfeeding is a long activity, find a comfortable position and have loads of water around. To avoid any cracks in the nipples ensure that your baby takes the whole areola into its mouth. To ensure this, you can hold your breasts in a C shape.

Breastfeeding is the most beautiful way to bond with your baby so make sure to enjoy it. Always keep in mind that your body and your baby will tell you what you need.

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