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My Boobs Hurt! What do I do?

Every mom-to-be has heard horror stories about the pain that comes with breastfeeding. Luckily these are not always so true. Although there are many conditions linked to breast tenderness and pain, unless there is a reason underneath, your pain should subside in a few days without any intervention. Here we're going to be talking about the different reasons for prolonged breast pain and how to solve them.

Clogged Ducts

You can feel clogged ducts as painful small lumps in your breasts. To get rid of them make sure to put your baby's chin where the lump can be felt while breastfeeding. If the lump is on the upper part of your breast you can lie down on your back and position the baby from your shoulder to ensure a compression to the lump. In severe cases, you can use a hospital-type pump or your husband.

Excessive Milk Production

Some babies may feel frustrated if there is excessive milk leakage. For this, you can feed the baby while lying on your back so that gravity will help you with the slowing down of the flow.

Inverted Nipple

Moms with inverted nipples can pump a few minutes before breastfeeding or cut a syringe open to create a vacuum. When the nipple is protruding, you can start feeding your baby.

Irritated Nipple

This happens in almost all mothers during transitional milk production and subsides in a few days. To aid with the pain there are a few things you may do. After nursing make sure that your nipple is in contact with air as much as possible. You could also try a black tea or carrot juice compress. If the pain lasts for more than 8 days you should try altering your nursing positions.

Breast Tenderness

If there is no fever, you can use 10 minutes of warm compress before and 10 minutes of cold compress after breastfeeding. For the cold compress, the application of cold cabbage leaves or yogurt on your breasts will be highly beneficial. Do NOT use a warm compress in case of fever.


In the case of mastitis, it is very important for you to keep feeding the baby and it won't cause an issue for your baby. Like in the case of clogged ducts, make sure to put your baby's chin on the area of inflammation. In addition to this, you can apply a gas compress of cold Melissa tea. Make sure to consult your midwife and doctor.

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