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Natural Birth induction, a myth?

Natural births are in demand nowadays! Whether it be #momfluencers or home birth advocates everyone wants to have their birth as natural as it gets. But it may not always be the case. With the rise of 9-to-5 jobs and less time for physical exercise, modern moms may find themselves 41 weeks pregnant with no sign of birth. Thankfully this doesn't mean that we should say goodbye to a natural delivery! With a few lifestyle alterations, every woman can have a peaceful and empowering natural delivery.

Take a Birthing Class!

Fear is one of the most common reasons for a c-section. By learning the phases of labor and knowing how to prepare for each contraction, midwifes aim to make the mom more comfortable, take an active role, and feel safe during delivery. Taking the class together with your partner will also help you transition into parenthood easier and allow your partner to be able to support you throughout your delivery!

Find a Doula who will support you during your delivery!

Research shows that moms who had some sort of support during their birth had an easier, shorter, and painless labor. A doula will provide this support for you! She will guide you through your contractions and motivate you to give birth to your baby easily. You can find a doula for your needs at your local birth centers.

Do Exercise!

The pelvis is like a bed made up of muscles for your baby. That's why it is important to prepare your pelvis for the rotations of your baby way before your labor. Doing relaxing sports such as pilates, yoga, swimming, or walking even 3 times a week for 30 minutes will create a huge difference in making your labor easier. We also recommend starting squat positions after 37 weeks for easy positioning of your baby. But please make sure to consult your doctor as every pregnancy is unique and requires special care!

Eat the rainbow, literally!

The World Health Organization encourages moms to gain 10-12 kg during their pregnancy. With a nutritious diet, you will be able to gain weight healthily and decrease the chance of any possible complications. We recommend you to integrate fish - red meat - legumes into your weekly meal plan and eat as many veggies as you can. Especially when you have cravings! Try to minimize simple carbs and eat 2 fruits a day for a sweet snack! (Take a look at 'What to eat during pregnancy' for detailed explanations.)

Don't underestimate a Perineal massage!

Perineal massage is a great way to induce labor and minimize tears during pushing. After your 36th week, you can start to do the massage for 2-5 minutes a day. (For a detailed explanation look at 'Perineal Massage: How do I do it?')

Drink Pregnancy tea! To prepare, strengthen and soften your uterus for birth try to drink raspberry leaf tea after the 36th week of pregnancy. For this add 1 teaspoon of raspberry leaves to 1 cup of boiling water. If you want to sweeten your tea wait for it to cool down a little before adding honey or lemon.

Have Sex!

After the 36th week of pregnancy having sex every two days will help your cervix efface and the prostaglandins found in semen will induce the labor naturally. As we said before every pregnancy is special that's why always make sure to consult your doctor before practicing anything.

Do breathing exercises!

Breathing exercises will be your best friend during labor! It will help you have painless contractions and push more easily. Especially in your 3rd trimester, you can feel more exhausted and impatient. During these emotions, it is best to practice breathing exercises for your labor. It will take you out of that emotion and create muscle memory so whenever you feel exhausted during labor you will breathe in and out slowly.

Be patient!

We know that it can be really hard sometimes to wait for your baby to come. Especially after 36 weeks most moms can't wait to meet their babies but know that your baby knows exactly when it's ready to come into the world. Make sure to trust your baby and use this time to make some welcoming rituals like drawing or writing letters!

For any questions or suggestions make sure to contact us at!



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