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Your Trimesters: Explained!

A full-term pregnancy lasts 40 weeks and is divided into 3 trimesters. Each trimester has a different role in the development of your baby and your body will have different symptoms during each trimester.

1st Trimester (0 - 14 weeks)

This is the period when the organs of your baby start to form. Although not looking pregnant, the body goes through a lot of changes. Your uterus starts growing the placenta and your heart rate increases to compensate for the baby. During this trimester you might feel symptoms such as Extreme fatigue tender breasts, cravings, nausea, and mood swings as a result of hormonal changes. (For tips about nausea during the first trimester take a look at 'Nausea during pregnancy') We advise you to take good care of yourself throughout this period. Make sure to get good rest and eat small but frequent nutritional food. As the main period for weight gain is going to be the third trimester try not to give in to your cravings too much.

2nd Trimester (14 - 28 weeks)

During this time the organs of your baby start to gain function. Your baby starts to pee, eat and open its eyes. Here your body has adjusted to the pregnancy and your energy levels are up again. This is a great time to create a healthy pelvic floor. Make sure to eat healthy and exercise. Due to the changing blood supply, you might feel your ankles and feet getting swollen. For this, make sure to put your feet up and avoid standing for long hours.

3rd Trimester (28 weeks - birth)

This is the period that starts at 24 weeks and ends with the birth. Here the baby is almost fully developed and is growing rapidly. This time is also when your body will grow the most. Make sure to sleep on your left side as it is best for circulation. Symptoms you might experience are constipation, Braxton Hicks contractions, urine leakage, and leaky breasts. It is the best time to prepare yourself for birth. Start with perineal massages, go to birth classes ,and mentally prepare yourself for releasing your baby. (For more information about preparing yourself for birth take a look at 'Natural Birth induction, a myth?')

No matter how you experience your symptoms, make sure to enjoy every second of it!

For any questions or suggestions make sure to contact us at!



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